date: 12/26/2024
mood: meh
whatever: site theme update hell yeah
If you are to purchase vroid textures or recieve a model or design from me please abide by the TOU listed here.
Products can be used for vtubing, all I ask is that you link back to me (shop or physical mention on social media platform) and not use them for commissions! Slander towards any group is also not allowed and will have your privileges to those parts be revoked after such an offense.
While I do appreciate my work being used for inspiration, direct copies of it are not allowed and will land you on the banlist.
If by any chance we cut contact with another, my parts and such are to no longer be used by you in any form as said prior, and you are not to post any videos or photos with the model or parts you are not allowed to use. Any form of this not being followed and I will ask the social media platform to take down your post.
Artists and fellow vroid avatar creators, please keep an eye of the names on the banlist. While it is understandable that you may not know that the person who requested or commissioned your work is banned from using my products, I would like to keep the integrity of both of our businesses. Thank you!
date: 12/26/2024
mood: meh
music: Die With A Smile - Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars
whatever: yeehaw
I've been making textures and whatnot for models since my teen years, god this STILL feels weird putting it out here 2 years later.
Art has almost ALWAYS been a part of my life and something I took interest in at a young age, far before I even came out in highschool. As of 2024, my gay autistic ass is very happily engaged!
Some of you might know me from my earlier tumblr years since I'm responsible for Raeven and the rest of the Lost Pieces cast, but it it's fine if you don't! I've just been residing at home, working on things while my animal children (and now grandchildren too!) surround me.
date: 12/26/2024
mood: meh
whatever: nerd time
While I don't use my instagram as often as I used to, you can find me on twitter or bluesky!
That or tumblr, if you really wanna see how hectic things get :)
Still here? Go to matias.ma/nsfw , it's nothing too bad. Just a little conga ditto.